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Single Pass Direct to Packaging Printer

punkt nr.: Focus Inc. Cobra-691s Printer
1. Hohe Geschwindigkeit: Großformat-Kartonschachteldrucker 2. Sie haben die Wahl: Drei Druckkopfoptionen, entscheiden Sie sich für Dual 3. Einfache Bedienung: Online-Anleitung, Touchscreen, kein RIP erforderlich 4. Maßgeschneiderte Lösung: Weltweiter Vers


Majid khan
Jul 12, 2024
Hi samla g to you and your day going so sweet Pakistan today and my email is the Muslim women in this job has hi Jane the virgin it was just a joke but it was on the morning to get back to you tomorrow morning to get the corner ready in the corner and my family are well and my
Pan Furxhi
Jun 25, 2024
Hi, we have offset printing, we plan to go digitally. please sendm me a quote Cobra-691s Printer and ink price. Thank you
Arnold Oh
Jun 14, 2024
We have been doing offset printing for a long time, but this time we are planning to do it digitally. I am contacting you because I am interested in your machine. I would appreciate it if you could give me a quote. Cobra-691s Printer and ink price too Thank you
May 22, 2024
Pleace helpe me, i'm from tigray my country was in warm and i'm in bad life by the reasone of the genocide, im 22 years old please help me to exchange my life. And im so interested in this work in love it
Tagezu beza
May 16, 2024
Pleace help me im unemployment